What Exactly Are Moissanite Rings? Here's Everything You Should Know

Even though diamonds are the mineral that may be seen on rings the most commonly, there are other possibilities available, such as moissanite. In the event that you are not acquainted with moissanite rings, this article will provide you with all of the information that you want.

The price tag for the typical engagement ring, which has a 1.00 carat stone, may reach well over $6500. It should come as no surprise that oval moissanite engagement rings are becoming an increasingly popular choice for individuals to include in their wedding settings.

Because of the elegance and one-of-a-kind appearance of options like moissanite rings, alternative jewels are more popular than they have ever been before.

The use of moissanite not only as a diamond substitute but also as a beautiful stone in its own right has led to its increased demand in recent years. These precious stones are long-lasting, devoid of human rights violations, and kind to the environment. In addition to this, most moissanites that are now available on the market are more brilliant than diamonds in general.

Are you seeking for something that has the timeless appeal of a diamond but comes at a more reasonable price? Continue reading to discover the many reasons why an Oval Moissanite Engagement Ring is the best option.

What exactly is the Moissanite?

Moissanite is not a synthetic diamond; rather, it is a gem that is formed from a material that occurs in nature. Henri Moissan, a French scientist who later won the Nobel Prize for his work, made the discovery of moissanite in 1893. At the bottom of a meteorite crater in Arizona, he was the first person to discover fragments of the diamond that would later be known by his name.

At first, he believed that the particles he had discovered were diamonds. After doing more investigation, he discovered that the gemstones were, in point of fact, composed of silicon carbide.

It is very uncommon to find natural moissanite since it originated in space. The formation and chemical makeup of these jewels have been artificially re-created in laboratories. The moissanite that is sold on the market today was almost entirely produced in laboratories.

What is the result? A beautiful stone that may be grown in the wild and is ideal for use in high-end jewelry.

The Variations Between Diamonds and Moissanites in Rings

Diamonds and moissanite have quite different structures, despite the fact that they seem very similar to one another. A few examples of these indicators are as follows:

On the Mohs scale of hardness, gemstones are ranked according to their durability. A perfect 10 on the Mohs scale, diamonds are one of the hardest minerals found on earth. Moissanite comes in a little bit lower on the list at a 9.25, but it is still more durable than emeralds or rubies and may be worn on a daily basis. On the MOHS scale, stones made of moissanite get a rating of 9.25 for hardness. When it comes to hardness, moissanite is almost identical to that of a diamond.

Color: Although colored diamonds can exist, the most valuable kind of diamond is known as a "colorless" diamond because it is brilliant white in appearance. Moissanite may range in hue from almost colorless to colorless, and it can also be found in pink, green, yellow, and even colorless forms.

Due to the fact that its refractive index is greater than that of diamonds, moissanite has a stunningly exquisite brightness as well as outstanding sparkle.

Rating: Cut, clarity, and color are the three criteria that are used to evaluate diamonds. The more points a diamond has, the higher it will be on the price scale. Moissanite is evaluated based on its color and clarity, and it is almost always considered to have an outstanding cut. Prices for moissanite may be expressed either per carat or by the millimeter size of the stone.

Influence on Ethics

If you are looking for a gemstone ring, you may be worried about the ethical and ecological implications of the option you choose. When a gem has been handled by a number of different people before it has been sold to the general public, it may be difficult to track its history. Today's shoppers are understandably concerned that the item they buy could really be a conflict or blood diamond.

The ecosystem around diamond mines is susceptible to being ravaged by the ecological devastation caused by the mines. There is evidence that diamond processing operations are linked to the release of hazardous pollutants, illnesses, skin conditions, the death of livestock, and other catastrophic repercussions.

The mining of diamonds and the sale of diamonds has a long history of supporting violence in places of the world that are already ripped apart by war. The mining of valuable stones occasionally involves the exploitation of slave labor, and the circumstances under which this takes place are frequently deplorable and unsustainable. Many modern consumers hesitate to make purchases out of concern that their money would exacerbate environmental degradation and the misery of other people.

You are in luck since the acquisition of a gemstone that was developed in a laboratory may assist you in making an ethical purchasing decision. Because most moissanite stones are produced in a laboratory, the production of these stones does not need any mining at all. This indicates that they leave behind a very minimal amount of carbon.

In addition, it is possible to trace their beginnings in full, and there was no violence involved in the production of them. Moissanite stones are favored by many conscientious consumers because, in comparison to alternatives that are mined, they are preferable from both an ethical and environmental standpoint.

How Much Does an Oval-Shaped Moissanite Engagement Ring Cost?
The price of moissanite stones may be up to 90 percent cheaper than the price of their diamond counterparts of the same size. Diamond rings may range in price from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. There are a lot of gorgeous moissanite alternatives available for less than two thousand dollars.

The price of moissanite is far lower than that of diamonds, making it an attractive alternative for many engaged couples. Diamonds, despite their timeless appeal, are prohibitively expensive thanks to decades of astute marketing practices and a market that is strictly regulated.

Moissanite rings may be of heirloom quality while still leaving space in the budget for other important expenses, such as the first deposit on a house, a more luxurious honeymoon, or more money for starting a family.

According to the findings of a survey conducted in 2016, one in three people in the United States now believe that an engagement ring should cost no more than one thousand dollars. Smart buyers weigh the worth of their ring against the influence their purchase will have on the economy. This is a significant departure from the conventional rule of thumb that a ring should cost "two months' pay."

A Forever Gem
The only stone that can signify eternity is a diamond, but there are other options. Are you interested in a diamond substitute that is both more environmentally friendly and more affordable? Moissanite rings are a stunning alternative to consider. The modern couple recognizes the need of making financial investments in both themselves and their shared future.

At a fraction of the price of diamonds or other precious stones, moissanite stones provide uncountable possibilities for personalization and inventive design that may be included into rings of almost any price range.